And at the opposite end of the spectrum, the poop from big dogs, like Mastiffs and Great Danes, is also hard to pickup for being ...well, so big.
Great Dane
Biggs' poop is a handful, but luckily, it all fits perfectly inside one plastic grocery bag. But, I always carry two plastic bags with me for those rare two-poop days.
Biggs' poop is a handful, but luckily, it all fits perfectly inside one plastic grocery bag. But, I always carry two plastic bags with me for those rare two-poop days.
There is 10 million tons of dog feces dump each year. And DoodyCalls, a company out of Charlottesville, VA, made $4.5 million last year on dog poop. The company has 55 franchises in 22 states. Guess one could say they are the Poop Kings!