Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Forget going green.  Plastic is the way to go when walking dogs and picking up poop.

Now you can invest in those fancy schmanzy pooper scoopers, but think -- you have to take them home afterwards; all smelly and dirty and clean them up.  (God, I hope people clean those things.)

Yes, plastic bags are our friends.  Collect them from supermarkets, pharmacies, fruit stands, et al.

I prefer to walk with two plastic bags and stick them into my coat pockets.  I highly recommend it.  Why?

1-- If bag number one breaks, you have a back up.
2-- If your dog shits twice, you are prepared.
3--  If you forget to bring a bag next time you leave home, there should be one in your pocket.

What kind of bags to you use to pick up poop?  Do leave us a comment and let us know about your adventures with your pooch.


  1. Winston, my boxer, and I agree wholeheartedly, plastic bags are the best option. Oh, what's with people who don't pick up after there dogs? Now that's GROSS! Where I live there are a lot of folks who don't (this while the community provides waste stations complete w/bags and the basket to drop the droppings in!) Some of my neighbors are lazy-asses. BTW, hard rubbery KONG toys last a very long time.

  2. My search for a long lasting chew to is ongoing. Will search for KONG toys next time in PetLand. Thanks.
