Thursday, March 31, 2011


If you've kept up with Biggs' adventures, you know that he goes threw chew toys in minutes. 

If you don't believe me, see the score board to your left here.  Anything rubber gets demolish in short order.  Stuffed chickens and other assorted plush toys are ripped asunder in less than an 10 minutes.  Biggs tears into those little animals and rips their guts out, literally.  (Oops.  Bad image whne I'm trying to sell the idea of the gentle giant but the truth will set you free, no?)

Ropes are his favorites and they last longer -- a couple of days, at least.  A long time given Biggs' record.

I got him a super thick triple knotted rope twist.  He loved it and immediately chewed away.  In fact, he chewed for a whole week.  I was so impressed.  Finally a toy he could keep longer than an hour.

Then one day during our walk I noticed that he was having trouble pooping.  The poor darling was squatting and straining.  A few chunks of you-know-what fell underneath him and then nothing.  More straining.  And then one piece sort of hung off him -- half in, half out.  Gross.  He strained some more but nothing moved forward or backward.

What is a girl to do?

So I wrapped my hand in plastic -- Thank God for plastic bags! -- and reached out and pulled the little poop out.  Instead it wasn't poop....well, let's say, it was not just poop.  I pulled out a long, long one inch-thick hunk of rope.

No wonder he was straining.  He had eaten the rope and now was getting it out of his system.  Thank goodness I always carry a second plastic bag in my pocket.

Biggs went on to finish his business in a timely fashion.  I am more cautious now about the ropes I give him.

I had thought about not buying ropes any longer but, frankly, he loves them and they are great for playing tug-of-war with him. 

Now I just let him chew away, but I pay attention.  Once the rope is unraveled, I know it's time to get him another toy to distract him and take away that messy rope.  Because the last thing I want on my hands again is poop on a rope.


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